
May 24th, 2020




Honestly can Netflix can just get rid of that damn question about are you still watching already? If I want to spend my day off bingewatching things than I should be able to without having to confirm every few episodes that I'm still watching. Or they should quit making such bingeable shows.




So now I know who it is giving out fliers looking for me - my cousin Annabeth and her dad, my Uncle Frederick. And apparently it’s not just my cousins hanging around in my dreams but Blitz’ friend Hearth is there too, which doesn’t surprise me all that much considering how close the two of them are here. As I’m getting ready to take off from the Public Garden Blitz tells me to go see Hearth in Copley Square but I’m a genius and instead head toward Beacon Street which is where I find out who’s handing out those fliers. It’s kind of weird for me to see them there since apparently the last time I saw them in the Dreams was a decade ago when my other Uncle had everybody at his house for Thanksgiving. I don’t get too close to them there but I do listen in on their conversation - apparently my life is in danger which is a shocker I know since I’m a teenager living alone on the streets of Boston. But the day she died there - the last thing my mom told me was to run and hide and not trust anyone. And whatever else - not to go to her brother Randolph for help. That she’d find me which...didn’t work out.

I know she told me never to go to Randolph, and knowing him here I can’t really blame her because the dude’s a complete dick, but dreamMe has to know why all of a sudden my family cares whether I’m safe or not so I head off to his house in Back Bay since I know for a fact that Randolph is out. Just because she told me never to go near him doesn’t mean I can figure out his schedule and loot his house when I need food right?




When you are married to a really nice guy in your dreams, but divorced from the same guy who is a raging asshole in real life.

What the fuck happened.

I think today is a wine o'clock day.




I woke up this morning with my whole room rearranged. And it wasn't in a good way.

My hands are still tingling, so I'm sure it was because of the dream. Over exertion of my powers there probably bled into my consciousness and then... out again, I suppose.

Has anyone done a study on this stuff? The effect of dreams and our waking up process I mean?

[ Filtered to Friends of Peter Quill ]
I know it's a little late, but I want to sort of have a 'welcome home' party for Peter. I was thinking we could all meet at Lux, he's partied there before, so it won't be like a 'surprise' party or anything. Just all his friends hanging out together.

I was thinking early June, if anyone was interested?

[ Filtered to Kara Danvers & Billy Kaplan ]
If I invite you both to a party for my boyfriend, you'll come, right?




Things went rather poorly in my Dreams in Turkey, though knowing what I know of History, I cannot say that I am Overmuch Surprised. I doubt very much that our Decisions in Turkey will have much improved Relations between the Turks and the British, but I'm certain that we couldn't have made them much worse than they were already.

I will say that there are many Things that I take for granted in this time that I may not have otherwise thought about if it weren't for the Dreams, chief among them being that most Nations no longer send children to War. I hope very much that that is something I never grow used to, either in the Dreams or in my Waking Life.




Heads up for all the veterans out there (and active service) for tomorrow: Lux is gonna have free drinks for any service member that shows up till midnight. Doors open at five. And yes, I'll have a Missing Man table set up too.

Semper Fi and God bless y'all this Memorial Day. Let's remember those who gave their all for this great country.




On behalf of Mercy's Clinic, I just want to thank everyone for not doing anything too crazy over the holiday weekend. I know we still have the actual holiday tomorrow, but it's nice not having an influx of barbecue inflicted wounds or anything like that. One year, when I was still working at a hospital, we had so many people coming in one Fourth of July, it was crazy. I've never quite understood why there are so many more injuries around holidays. I know it obviously has to do with people drinking more during the holidays, but still.