
March 5th, 2020




It's that time of night when you're sitting up alone, missing the people that are no longer with you because Spotify threw their favorite artist at you.

But it doesn't hurt this time. That's good right? Or bad?




Anybody else ever get a friends suggestion stuck in their head on repeat?


This is your fault by the way.


Seriously - when can I buy you dinner or something to thank you for calling HR about the managers.




Now that it’s official I can announce - I’ve got another movie in the works! It’s not a sequel to my last one exactly but it is going to be in that same universe, so if you wanted to know what happened to some of the characters….this could be your chance to find out. And since it’s not a direct sequel if you haven’t seen the other one don’t worry. It’s going to stand alone.

[Private to Mina]
Am I insane to be taking on so many projects and trying to stay this busy?

[Private to Nathan]
Dinner Sunday after the evening show?




So quick BB-8 update; I still can't understand him. He keeps beeping and chirping at me. Although he has a little lighter tool in one of his tool bay disks and he's been using as a sort of thumbs up if I've guessed something he's trying to say to me. So I guess we're off to a fairly good start.

Also, for anyone curious about what exactly he looks like, Meet BB-8 )




Guess who's back! Back again....okay, even I know that was just bad. Anyway, like I said, I'm back. For anyone who doesn't know me, I'm Percy Jackson and I was just in New York for the last few months doing an internship. Got the opportunity to finish my internship back here and even though New York is home, The OC has become home. I mean, all my family is out here now, so I took the opportunity to come back early.

I'm sure that this means something crazy is going to happen any minute now.