
August 20th, 2019




He finally told me what I needed to do for him to meet with me like he’d insisted - I had to agree to talk with Eclair. He never said it had to be a long conversation. Or even a private one. So I asked Isaac and his fiance to come with me, sat down with her for five minutes, told her there wasn’t anything she could do or say that would get us back together and then gave her the reasons why. 1) I don’t want to be with her. 2) The only reason I was ever with her to begin with was an attempt to make my father happy before I realized that was pointless since nothing I do will ever be good enough for him, since I’m not willing to be a carbon copy of him. And the most important one 3) I’m in love with Haruhi. Planning a future and a life with Haruhi. Ranka has finally stopped glaring at me everytime he sees me, or at least he had before this trip. I’m not throwing any of that away. And then we left.

Disneyworld Tokyo is a lot more fun with friends than going by yourself if any of you were wondering. Now the waiting game begins to see if he actually keeps his word this time and meets with me.




Today, a man from a generation twice removed from me tried talking to me when I had my headphones on. And then, became upset when I asked him to repeat what he'd said because: I HAD HEADPHONES ON.

It's true having the Force means I could technically understand him if I put in the effort. But why do Boomers not get the concept of headphones?

And I have other questions. Cut for length )




Gin and djinn are pronounced the same way. Both are spirits in a bottle.