
May 16th, 2019




Had anyone else felt a sense of deja vu with their dreams?

It's maddening, really.


What was I thinking eloping? I would have had such a grand wedding! Planing the party been tiresome, but Padme been a real blessing.

We are going to have the best wedding reception!



Sam Merlotte

I heard you might be in need of a bartender?

I'm 22, been a bartender off and on for three years. The legal drinking and purchasing age are lower in Europe, its where I've been for the past few years.




I never knew I needed The Taco Bell Resort from check in to check-out a taco bell experience. Um, Stiles? We're going. Don't make any plans for August 9th weekend.



Blocked from McCoy

TFW you're impatiently waiting for a friend from your Dreams to dream.




I'm not sure when being in sales and being responsible for the word of mouth market came into play but here we are.

I'm Nebula, I work at No Rest For Bridget in Newport Beach (although we're in Huntington Beach and Costa Mesa too) and I've been newly tasked with our online and social media brand and this was one of the recommendations. T_T KMN.

And to make this less of an ad and more relatable, what are some of your customer service nightmares?