
May 9th, 2019




Well that's weird. I've never had dreams that continued before, but last night the one I had picked up pretty much where that other one about the zombie apocalypse left off. I got knocked out at the end of the other dream and apparently the two guys I'd been trying to steal from brought me back to their settlement instead of leaving me for the dead to get.

When I woke up, I managed to escape where they'd put me and I ended up deciding they were good people, despite the fact that they kept weapons trained on me, not that I really blame them since I broke into the one guy's house in the middle of the night to tell him that I wanted to help them. In the end I brought some of their group to the place I lived, which was called Hilltop, which was basically one big house, which apparently used to be a history museum and a couple trailers with a wall around it, but we grew our own crops and had livestock and traded with other communities, which they didn't even know existed.

As expected, nothing goes smoothly and shit hits the fan twice, but in the end, Rick's group offered to take care of one of our problems, which would be killing this one guy named Negan who demands half of what we produce. He seems pretty confident that they can do it.

Wow, okay, I'm not sure why I went into so much detail about my dream. I never talk about my dreams. This is weird.




[Friends filter]
Quite possibly my least favorite person on the planet has shown up. Leonard Snart, AKA Captain Cold is now network aware and active. Apparently fresh out of jail too.


Can you do me a favor and check to see that the Cold gun is still where it says it is on my GPS in the safe?

The guy that I made the cold gun for showed up. From the dreams. I..don't think he recognizes me yet, but he's not exactly an upstanding citizen and is apparently fresh out of jail according to police records.




Does anyone else ever dream about people they haven't seen in years? What even causes that? Makes me wonder what Max has been up to.