
May 7th, 2019




The ship that took me to China in my dreams has, I'm sad to say, gone up in flames. Luckily, we were docked in Macao, and no one was lost to the flames except for my uniform jacket. Luck being what it is, I was then given urgent orders to make haste to Istanbul so that I can deliver three eggs purchased by the Crown to England before they hatch.

As these orders carry a very real time limit, I have decided that we will complete the journey by land, as there is no time to wait for repairs to the ship, though the journey, through desert and mountain, is not known to be an easy one. I've hired a Mr. Tharkay to guide us, though I am not entirely certain of his trustworthiness. I pray he does not take my money and abandon us halfway through the desert.

Filtered to Pidge and Elijah )




Honestly - I'm surprised that Zelda didn't bring one of the Porgs home with her from the park while they were here. But it's probably for the best because I'm pretty sure we aren't allowed any more pets in our apartment and I don't even know what we'd feed a Porg if we had one.




Old job done. New job starts in two weeks.

Biggest test of my life starts now: staying out of trouble for two weeks.




The only problem with going to workout on my days off where I teach is that I run into students who think that since I'm there I must be willing to work with them. Because I couldn't possibly be there to work out and train myself obviously. Anybody on here know of a gym that I can join? Competitions are coming up and I need to get some sessions in that aren't full of distractions.


Distraction number one being you and I'm not cutting our sessions out. I need the incentive that comes after.




The more I dream, the more I'm beginning to realize that I'm not a good person. At all.




I think I might have found the perfect job. Biomedical Engineer at Godfrey Industries. I've looked up the company a little, but was curious if anyone knew anything about the company here.