
March 27th, 2019




These dreams have taken a ... troubling turn. The shift from reality is somewhat comforting, given I no longer have to dream of things that open old wounds, aside from my brother's presence by my side. But I feel a sense of dread as we make these choices.

Our home is in ruin, and I understand the desire to fight and rebel, but these people only fill me with worry over the future.

I do not think sleep will come easily in the coming nights.




I know it’s their allowance and they should get to spend it on what they want to, but why why do the girls keep wanting to use them on blind boxes? For what they’re getting, I feel that they’re honestly really expensive. They feel like dollar store grab bags sometimes, just marked up for interesting packaging and being considered a “surprise”. It’s not the money, it’s just that it feels like these toy companies are taking advantage of the kids this way.




I don’t know who that redhead in my Dreams is but she’s really starting to piss me off. I ended up getting injured in a fight with that blue haired demon we were hunting because she distracted me so he got loose from where we’d bound him. Alec and Izzy gave me a hand and we managed to kill him but he threatened us with The Forsaken, which sounds kind of like a horrible band name but I’m guessing isn’t since it came from a demon.

Before we can do much of anything, other than argue about what to do with that annoying little girl who saw all this, bouncers show up with some guy and I’m pretty sure they thought she was crazy because our runes kept them from seeing us and there was no trace of the demon. I’d almost feel bad if it weren’t for the clawmarks I woke up to find on my side.

[Private to Alec and Magnus]
One of you wouldn’t have time to come by and help out with a quick heal would you? I’ve got a towel there now but it’s bleeding some still.

So - more scars aren’t going to end up a deal breaker are they?