
March 3rd, 2019




Just a reminder that next week is Orange County Miscast, where a bunch of different actors and actresses from the community will put on a show where we all perform songs and roles we would never actually be cast as - a lot of us currently in productions have chosen songs from the show we're involved in as added incentive.

And on that particular note, with Jesus Christ Superstar having it's preview weekend at the end of the month, I can now announce that Anthony Head, probably best known for his role as Giles on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, will be performing the role of Pontius Pilate.




There's this brilliant sport in my Dreams called Quiddich, where the general gist of it is that you fly around on broomsticks, attempt to dodge the bludgers, score with the quaffle, and attempt to catch the snitch. Dead simple. I'm a Chaser in the dreams - so one of the blokes who attempts to score with the quaffle.

Anyway, I was driving past the park today, and imagine my surprise when I saw a bunch of muggles running around throwing balls at one another with broomsticks between their legs. Apparently there is a muggle version of Quidditch. I had no idea this existed! My Dream self sure didn't know about Quidditch, though I suppose he doesn't spend much time with muggles. Though, you'd think that some of the muggle-borns would have mentioned it. Maybe they were just embarrassed since it doesn't hold a candle to wizard Quidditch.

Still fun though.