
February 20th, 2019




So apparently the French Fencing Federation is now adding lightsabers to their list of accepted weapons in duels. I didn't realize lightsabers were that popular outside of the movies.




Incredibly embarrassing waking life adventures aside, guess who didn't die from the radioactive spider.

Me. In case you wanted a hint.

I'm like super strong, agile, can climb walls and a retired superhero helped me out with a costume and some equipment so naturally I do what any senior in high school would do; take awesome videos of me being awesomely acrobatic and put it on Leaf.

Which is kind of like Vine in my dreams.

Only cooler.




Scientists have found a new moon orbiting Neptune, and it's name is pretty damn adorable. Hippocamp after a sea creature from Greek mythology.

It's so tiny even Hubble missed it. Graphs!

It could enable the discovery of other moons and 'exoplanets' outside the solar system - some of which could harbour life.

That would be so cool. By the by did Oppy ever get rescued?




I didn't think it would take me so long to get used to being back in my apartment after a week staying with somebody else because we were tied together by whatever that force was. And the bologna sandwich and ramen I ate? Best thing I've tasted in days because they are absolutely real foods.



blocked from Team JNPR mostly because Nora wouldn't be able to keep this secret

I wanted some advice. What are peoples' opinions on ... well marrying young. And also the girl asking the boy to marry them.