
February 10th, 2019




I had to write this down, as soon as I woke up. After I, a lowly slave-turned-apprentice defeated the powerful Darth Skotia, I was sent into the ancient Sith temple on Dromund Kaas.

There, I was tested once more, and as expected, I passed. While in the temple, I discovered the tomb of a man who turned out to be my ancestor. An ancient Sith Lord, his spirit spoke to me and told me of my birth right. He also warned me to be wary of my new companion, which is only common sense.

I left that temple with both the relic I'd sought, and the mask of Lord Aloysius Kallig. A fitting accompaniment to my mask of Revan.

I should be wary of these artifacts. I do not yet have the puzzle put together, but just as a Master should never trust their apprentice, an apprentice should never trust her master.

Yet another fault of the Sith. It's amazing there are as many of us as there are.




This is absolutely shameful. Teenagers should not have to get vaccinations in secret because their parents don't grasp basic science. Or fact check them about vaccines.




A more fitting word then dreams is nightmare.

They even tattooed cauchemar on my arm. And a spider on my back araignée du matin, chagrin, araignée du soir, espoir I laugh and I feel nothing.

Talon making me into this, this...killer, this monster. Chemicals and nanobots rewriting my body while my mind shatters like a broken mirror and all I see are distorted reflections and a hell I cannot escape because I cannot feel and then they let me loose and I kill and I kill and each target is too easy and the only time I feel is when my bullet splatters their heads behind them Amelie is dead she's dead I strangled her in the night there is only the

(ooc: the rest is apparently cut off)



Filtered away from Mitch Rapp

I swear to God if I didn't know this kid I would want to strangle him. These fucking dreams are stressing me the fuck out.




I just finished watching that documentary on Netflix, Abducted in Plain Sight. I don't even know what to think of that. I just can't wrap my mind around it. That girl's parents have boggled my mind. How these people just continued to fall for that man's lies and continued to keep him in their lives in one way or another is just insane.

Has anyone else watched it?




I'm kind of amused and annoyed. The dreams literally gave me a shirt. I've been dreaming for weeks and all I got was Was this shirt?