
December 11th, 2015




So magical comas are apparently a thing.

But hey, at least the dreams left me alone until I was done with finals. Three whole weeks without classes to worry about! I’m so celebrating tonight.




How do you tell if a dream is one of Those Dreams or just a particularly vivid dream? Because I think I had one but it's just. . . weird. I don't know what to make of it.




You know it says something about this place when I have to double check that the elves and other Christmas creatures around set are actually actors and not real. One of the more interesting aspects of living here I guess.




Did anybody else see the meteor shower last night? It felt quite powerful, not that I am an expert but it was definitely unusual. But then unusual seems to be almost normal for this county.




I've been tasked with putting together a Christmas music list for our house this Christmas.

I need some recommendations of Christmas music to play while we decorate and open presents and whatever else.

(See, Caroline? I am taking this seriously.)




The things you people do for surfing. A fine line between dedication and insanity? Snow pictures are the best though.

Hey, anyone want a winter photoshoot?




If anyone here knows or meets someone named Nathan Prescott, let me know.

Because I'm gonna fucking kill him.