
November 3rd, 2015




So I believe it would be remiss of me if I didn't introduce myself or re-introduce myself as it were as I've moved back to the area recently. And as I know from experience this is the best way of reaching people in this county.

My name is Luisa Rey and I'm a mystery writer. My boyfriend and myself have just moved back to the area after a year away and we're looking forward to getting to know new faces as well as catching up with old friends.




I can't keep going like th

How do people deal with neighbors who are constantly loud and make jokes of it when requested to not be so loud because the walls are thin?




Apparently I should say sorry for this weekend. But I won't. Instead I'm gonna say you're welcome. Because imagine if Halloween had been normal and boring.




So in just under two weeks I turn 20 and I have no idea what to do to celebrate that. Ideas are welcome :D




It's good to be back home. Hello, everyone. My name is Doctor Magius. After a rather long stay abroad, I've returned to find the OC just as odd as usual.

I do hope everyone is enjoying their fall.




Well, it's official, I have the flu. I'm in the hospital for it and everything. Apparently you're not supposed to get fevers over 103. It sucks - I got my flu shot and everything. Apparently I got one of the strains that wasn't included in the vaccine. The more you know, I guess.

I can rip people's heads off their bodies and leave the spine intact, but I can still get the flu. That's somehow comforting.




I got fired today.

Turning into a demon horse apparently isn't a viable reason for missing work.




Has anyone just wanted to quit life and move to Tibet? That would be kind of awesome right now.




I guess out of all the things that could have happened, I should be glad that I didn't tie anyone to train tracks, get tied to train tracks, rescue anyone from train tracks, or get attacked by people from the moon. I'm afraid to ask if anyone got what I'm sure was wild overmiming of everything on camera, but I am glad I had the sense to include a chalkboard with my costume.

Sirius, do you already have birthday plans?




Today marks the anniversary of the day of birth of my best friend. So everyone should say Happy Birthday to Sirius Black today, if you see him.