
October 18th, 2015




Believe it or not, I have never seen any of the Saw movies. Eleven years after the first one came out and I'm watching it for the first time now. Ya know, this would never happen to the Dread Pirate Roberts.




I've had a few more dreams recently. I fought a marine lieutenant who had demanded the release of King Cobra and I nearly killed her. I feel very poorly about it. She was only doing her job to protect the kingdom of Alabasta.

Then I purposefully mistranslated the poneglyph for Crocodile. I had really hoped that it would tell about the Void Century. It didn't, though. It spoke about a weapon and Crocodile simply couldn't learn that. Somehow, though, Crocodile knew I was lying to him, so he stabbed me with his hook.

I woke up this morning with a horrible pain in my side. Thank goodness there was no injury.

I did find this outfit in my closet, however:

Cut for Picture, Open to All (SFW) )

Its the outfit I've been wearing in my dreams. While its perfectly acceptable to wear in my dream world, I'm afraid I would get more than one odd look if I attempted to wear it here. I do really love the coat though.




I had come to suspect that I had an idea of what my dreams were, and where they heading, but it seems as if I've gotten it completely wrong.

Everything's getting so muddled. I wish we were back to the first set of dreams and dealing with simple possession and vampires.




I'd been worried about what I was going to do for a Halloween costume, but then I realized all I have to do is not wear my glamour for a while. Done and done.

Anyone else going to cheat?




Ugh. Some douchecanoe was staring at my ink and asked me if I had tattoos "anywhere else he could see" and grabbed my ass.


1) Don't stare at people's ink in a creepy way, because it's creepy. Deal?
2) If you grab a girl's ass and she punches you in the dick, you deserve what you get.

Man, dudes make funny noises when they go fetal.




I'm finding thanks to these dreams and some of the knowledge and gifts they have bestowed, that I've gone from a professor of cultures to a scientist, and it's becoming increasingly difficult to simply teach anthropology when I've got complex scientific and mathematical formulas rolling around in my head. Devices and theories that could not possibly be applied or created here in this world, and yet I feel the urge to write them down, experiment, create. It is frustrating to say the least.




So, dreaming nonsense aside, who wants to go to the 5th Annual Spirit of Old Hollywood Gala with me? It's October 25th. There'll be drinks, hors d'oeuvres, and music, not to mention palm readings and other kinds of fun. It is for those twenty-one and over, though.