
August 18th, 2015




Yeah, I'm sure I'm missing something big this week. But I'm on vacation at Aramis and Porthos' house, letting Viv spend time with her daddys. It's a shame she's not smiling or anything yet, but she's still so little. We spend a lot of time napping in front of daytime television and changing diapers. Oh, and doing laudry. I've got the most exciting life ever.




Oh my god

(OOC: Link very NSFW)




Why the hell is it so bloody hot here? I sweat just by stepping outside. It's disgusting.



Link is like, totally at a 2.

You know what? I'm sick of this shit.

I'm tired of all of it.

You try to be nice, do the right thing, help people, put your best foot forward, all those stupid, god-damned cliches that are just downright ridiculous, and all of it for what?


For what purpose? So you can be ignored, trampled over, forgotten, and essentially left out to dry. You become a figment of someone's imagination and forgotten and discarded. Lay your life on the line for someone, and you.. just... UGH. What's the point in doing it?

By the way, when you do that? Guess what happens? Morons keep letting it happen, keep becoming complacent and stupid and ignoring the facts around them, and you have to do it all over again. Why the HELL does anyone bother trying?
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I don't know why I thought settling down was a good idea. I'm much better at chaos and doom.




I am useless when people are in bitchy moods. Like, completely. I just make them worse.

So instead I'm just going to link to this video of Ari cuddling with my coworker.

Cuz I dunno. When in doubt, cute cats. Right, internet?