
July 24th, 2015




Got everything ready for this weekend's adventure group. We're teaching them how to rappel and how to do their own basic camp set ups for mountain weekends. This group is all new. Don't know how hearty they're going to be. Here's hoping the clouds don't turn to rain. Got a feeling this set of new survivalists would melt if they got caught in a drizzle.




Things have been pretty fucked up lately. Hang onto those silver linings when you can.




I just finished a really fantastic book, and I'm looking for some recommendations for what to read next. I figured this network is full of smart and interesting people, they probably read smart and interesting things? Or at least interesting things.

The book I finished was "Ready Player One" by Ernest Cline. It's sort of dystopian, Science Fiction, with tons of geeky, pop culture references. I really enjoyed it. I'd like to find something else to read.




If you've ever taken a self-defense class, what parts of it were the most valuable to you?
What parts of it were the least valuable to you?

If you've never taken a self-defense class, what would you like to see in one?
What aspects of the curriculum convince you that it would be fun or valuable to attend?

I'm taking a survey because I'm putting together a class. Your answers will be invaluable to the development of the curriculum for the classes that my friends and I will be building.

Thank you.




I love that I get to work with my best friend every day.




I feel more confused than Ryoga trying to find my way in this country. somehow I have managed not to end up in Mexico or something but the damn place is confusing. I'm tired of living by G.P.S.




I used to think that only the students dreaded the end of summer vacation. I'm looking forward to meeting my new students but at the same time - I wish there was more than another month before the start of the new school year.


Now that everything is settling back down again, could we have dinner one night? There's something I want to talk with you about and I'd rather do it in person.

[Merlin and Audrey]

I'm going to talk to Lance and tell him about my history with Arthur. Or try to anyway. Wish me luck? If it goes badly can I stay on your couch for a few nights?




I finally did it. I couldn't take the empty apartment anymore and adopted a dog. He's the absolute sweetest animal I've ever met and I adore him already. His name is Gear and like a true mommy I leave you with a picture of our first outing at the park!

Gear )




I just discovered a suit that I didn't actually purchase in my room. I believe it came from my dreams, but I can't believe it's taken me this long to realize it. I guess that's an upside from working at D.P. because now I own so many nice things that I don't notice an epic suit from my dreams. At least J.B. didn't try to eat it or anything.

Oh, and my mum decided to give me a call and actually started to cry on the phone about how she missed me. I -- just don't know how to take that. You sent me away, mum, you can't be upset about it now.