
April 23rd, 2015




i cannot believe how mind-numbingly boring not being able to move much is. at least i get my stitches taken out tomorrow.

anyway, i haven't had anything to do but look through the internet like a loser and do some homework like a fucking dweeb, and i came across some japanese trend of father's jumping next to their daughters. which is apparently a thing.

i keep picturing my father doing this with my sister, and its honestly more distubring than my dreams.




Got another dream gift. Not exactly sure what to do with this camera. I'm not exactly a photographer or a PI, but it's pretty awesome.




Does anyone else's cat appear to believe that they're going to starve simply because they don't have wet food? Church always has a bowl of dry food down and I give him half a can of wet food every morning. This morning, he cried outside mine and Will's door until I finally got up, only to find out that he still had almost a completely full bowl of dry food.

Things like this simply prove that cats are smart creatures, because if they weren't then they wouldn't be able to get used to a routine like this.




These dreams seem to have something of a sense humour. One day, I'm waking up to find they've given me a rather nice car. The next, I've got a tracking chip embedded in my arm. To what end, I've no idea. Unless by some eerie twist, someone out there can now follow my every movement without my knowledge.




Guess who finally got their TARDIS key!? That's right, me! It's been so long since my last dream or the last time I got anything that I was beginning to think that I'd never get it, but I woke up this morning and there it was on my nightstand. We might not have a TARDIS here, but I'm ridiculously excited about this!