
January 27th, 2015




I can't seem to sleep anymore, but I get more done during the nights now I guess. Anytime the dreams want to stop would be great.




So with all the traveling I've been doing for work, I need some new music suggestions! I've only filled up about half of my space with music so I'm taking suggestions to download! I like all sorts of music, open to anything really! Music helps those long waits at the terminals between flights!

Private to Will )

Private to D'Art )




I find this rather exciting :)


I think I might use it in class this week as the basis of an essay question.




Ever dream of someone and miss them real bad?




It would appear that I've been adopted by a stray cat that has been hanging around my building for a couple of days now. Each morning when I leave, he's sitting there on the stoop and follows me to my car then when I get home, he's still sitting there on the stoop and tries to follow me inside. I know I probably shouldn't have, but I did feed him a few times and now tonight I decided to let him in and now he's curled up on one of the chairs in the kitchen, sleeping. I'm tempted to put up posters, because he's very clean so he must have belonged to someone, but I'm already a little attached to him.




I've gone to look at a house. I suppose I'm old enough that I should have my own place. It's this remarkable property on Laguna Beach and I think I'm going to put my offer on it.

It has a lighthouse, which I'm weirdly excited about?

Images of property under cut. )

The interior is a bit cottagey. I'm not sure if I like it or not, but it might grow on me. I can change it easy enough.




Considering all the wintry weather approaching the other side of the country, I had to show this little gem of my best friend!




This is mostly for my friend Myrcella! But then I thought who doesn't want to see a whale blowing a rainbow out of it's blowhole?