
September 4th, 2020




WHO: Xanatos and Nathaniel
WHAT: Showing items
WHERE: Nathaniel’s apartment
WHEN: 3 August
STATUS: Complete upon posting

So, Nathaniel, what was it you wanted to show me? )




Who: Laurence and Clara
What: Dinner on the seas
When: This evening, September 4th
Where: The Temeraire
Rating/Warning: Low/none
Status: Complete

Have you done much sailing before? )




Who: Winn Schott and Lan Zhan
What: First meeting
When: Lan Zhan's first day at Xanatos Enterprises
Where: Xanatos Enterprises
Rating/Warning: Low/none
Status: Complete

Do you have any advice? )




Who: Raven Reyes and Nova Artino McLean
What: Nova goes to visit Raven in the hospital
When: Mid-August, after the plot, when Raven was in the hospital from her dream injuries
Where: The hospital
Rating/Warning: Low/none - some references to getting shot in the dreams
Status: Complete | Partner Thread

I brought flowers )