
December 8th, 2019




Who: Caleb Danvers and Pogue Parry
What: Working together on Halloween
Where: Pandemonium
When: back-date to Halloween
Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete

How do you feel about being a damsel in need of saving from the big scary jungle? )




Who: Gareth Visser & Billy Kaplan
What: Boring or not so boring grocery shopping
When: Saturday 7th December
Where: Random grocery store
Rating/Warning: G | None
Status: Log | Complete

C’mon, let’s get outta here before I make more of an ass of myself today )




Who: Kyle Valenti & Alex Manes
What: Morning after the night before
Where: Their shared home
When: The morning after this
Rating/Warning: PG | None
Status: Log |Complete

And for the record you would be stupid to say no )