
September 17th, 2019



I’d hate for you to break your hip

Who: Jaina and Neena
What: Donuts and coffee oh my
When: Shortly after Neena got out of the pokey
Where: Neena's
Status: Complete
Rating: PG-13 for light flirting

I can’t be THAT much older than you. And hey, medically I’m like 28 now. )




Who: Tyler Simms & Deran Cody
What: A broken down truck and a man to the rescue
When: Early August [backdated]
Where: Just outside OC
Rating/Warnings: Low
Status: Complete

Cars, the most reliably unreliable form of transportation you'll ever find. )




Who: Ciri & Logan
What: Drowning OC weirdness in booze
When: Some time after this [backdated]
Where: The Nightcrawler
Rating/Warnings: PG-13 (drinking, swearing)
Status: Complete

One slightly traumatised visitor looking tae drown their sorrows, as promised? )




Who: Pietro Maximoff & Leon Orcot
What: Drunk!Leon is drunk and Pietro is the unfortunate Uber driver responsible for getting him home
When: July, sometime
Where: Various places
Rating/Warnings: PG | Drunken behaviour
Status: Log | Complete

Apparently Leon wasn’t that great at subtle if all the yelling was any indication )




Who: Stiles and Cisco
Where: Home
When: Sep 9th
What: Stiles is a zombie thanks to OC shenanigans.
Status: Complete
Rating: Med

Soooo, I think I'm a zombie. )