
April 8th, 2019




Who: Anakin and James
What: Diagnosing James' motorcycle problems
When: Now
Where: In the parking lot of a bike parts store
Rating/Warnings: Low
Status: Complete

You have magic and fly on a broom. I’ve got my own abilities, like talking to machines and electronics. )




Who: Alex Manes & Kyle Valenti
What: Surprise! Valenti is everywhere
When: April 8th, morning
Where: VA clinic, Anaheim
Rating/Warnings: PG13
Status: Complete

You know what they say about all work and no play, Kyle. Quickest way to end up chasing after your friends with an axe before freezing to death in a maze. )




Who: Elijah Mikaelson and Laurel Lance
Where: Elijah's office
What: Talking business.
When: Monday morning
Rating: Low.
Status: Done.

Something witty should be here but I got nothing. )




Who: Isobel Evans-Bracken and Michael Guerin
Where: Out Of This World Mechanics
What: checking on her car and her family.
When: Now.
Rating: Meduim for now, both can be mouthy.
Open: Poke one of us if you want to hop in.
Status: Ongoing.

How are things? )




Who: Laurence and Pidge
What: Getting tethered together
Where: Laurence's apartment
When: Mid-February, first day of tethered plot
Ratings/Warnings: Low/none
Status: Complete

Excuse me. )




Who: Sara and Colleen
What: Sara goes to talk to Colleen about self-defense lessons
When: Todayish
Where: Colleen's dojo
Ratings/Warnings: Low/none
Status: Complete

I think you mentioned there that you taught self-defense classes? )