
August 20th, 2015




Who: Katou and Jin
What: Dinner at Jin’s House
When: Backdated to end of last month.
Where: Jin’s Place
Warnings/Ratings: Katou's mouth, FTB sexin'.
Status: Complete!

Oh my god, you're so damn picky. )




Who: Ezra Fitz and Stefan Salvatore
When: During the Shattered Plot, after Ezra’s encounter with Anna
Where: Bar
What: Talking about shattered plot encounters
Rating/Warnings: Low
Status: Complete

Sorry you got punched, though. By a little girl. )




Who: Dick and Svetlana
What: Dick collects Russians
When: Before Shattered Sight Plot
Where: Russian diner
Warnings: Low
Status: Log | Complete

Food is usually better with other people )




Who: Navi and Logan
What: A date!
When: After this thread, before the plot.
Where: Dive bar.
Warnings: Potty language, PG-13.

You don't have to impress me! )




Who: Johanna Mason and Katniss Everdeen
When: Mid August; Before Shattered Sight Plot
Where: Coffee Shop
What: Johanna runs into the elusive Katniss
Rating/Warnings: Mostly Family friendly
Status: Complete

No one expects you to be the Mockingjay in real life and oppose the government )




Who: Katniss and Gale
What: Proposing an idea to a grumpy Gale
Where: Gale's house
When: During the Shattered Sight plot
Rating: Fairly high, some bad language mostly
Status: Complete

Read more... )




Who: Nina and Audrey
When: During Plot after Nina and Gabe argue
Where: Audrey’s home
What: Crying over the boyfriend
Rating/Warnings: Low/None
Status: Complete

Nina had planned on going home and crying into ice cream )