
January 14th, 2015




Who: Marguerite St. Just
What: Visiting her parents' grave, just some introspective stuff. Plus a stalker she is unaware of at the moment
When: 14 January 2015, morning
Where: Cemetery in Los Angeles
Warnings: Low, mentions of lost parents
Status: Narrative | Complete

I hope you can be proud of me as well )




Who: Billy Kaplan and Kate Bishop
When: Mid January
Where: Street
What: Stopping a mugging
Rating/Warnings: Low/None
Status: Complete

Kate and Billy had gone to the movies )




Who: Athos and D’Artagnan
What: Playing hooky
When: 7th January
Where Around the OC
Warnings: Low/None
Status: Complete

Athos had been pretty easy to convince to play hooky from work for the day )




Who: Peeta & Rose
What: Rose needs to ask about ball bearings on cakes
When: December 18th, afternoon
Where: Mellarky
Rating: Low
Status: Complete upon posting!

You’re a lifesaver )




Who: David Nolan and Severus Snape
When: Recently
Where: Snape’s garage Potions Laboratory
What: David needs a cure for his illness
Rating/Warnings: Low/None (sickness triggers?)
Status: Complete

There is a certain amount of unpredictability when it comes to magic. )