September 17th, 2009

[info]izzy_alderdice in [info]v_nocturne_rpg

An Officer and a Gentleman

[A few days before "Werewolves in London"]

Shifting for himself when it came to meals wasn't difficult for Joachim. His father employed a single cook/housekeeper who came in twice a week, and her found her fare passable if plain. He'd spent the afternoon that day at the Fry stables feeding and grooming his new horse, debating internally on what to name the animal. There would never be another Stormdancer, but the colt he'd found was spirited and lively. He was even considering a new saddle, something less worn than the one he'd used before. One step at a time, his life was evening out again.

He was moving with a bit more care today. His physician had provided a brace for his leg, and he was still getting used to the confinement at the joint of his knee. When he decided to take a late lunch at a pub, he stumped to a table near the front where he could watch the traffic outside. London was the most bustling place he'd been to outside of Delhi, and he was still a bit awed that so many people lived so close together.

The major ordered a meat pie and some sausages, as well as a mug of beer. Tea was for lunch, and while he didn't often imbibe, the heaviness of the meal would offset the alcohol. He could come to enjoy this city quite a bit, really.

Though quite unexpected by a shop-boy. )