August 30th, 2009

[info]ex_alittlebi943 in [info]v_nocturne_rpg

Too Many Locks, Not Enough Keys

[Two days after " The Odd Fairytale That Is Your Life "]

There was a book lying on the night-stand next to him, he was only just coming to grips with its existence and realizing that...probably the doctor...had put it there for his edification if he should so need it. The title was one he thought he'd seen before, perhaps in the cafe. And here it was, right next to him, so close that he could grab it. That wasn't as nice a thought as it had been a few minutes ago. And, come to think of it, he was beginning to be able to feel his insides, particularly the ones that hurt. The laudanum must have been wearing off.

He hadn't been fainting as much as he had been, but in return he'd been unable to sleep without the assistance of drugs, whether by sickness, pain, or his own mind. His own mind seemed to be the main cause, as he had a great deal to think about, and it tended to intrude on his nightmares. Above all else, though, he felt weaker than he'd ever been in his entire life. When it wasn't hindering him, it just felt incredibly alien.
With a few moments to spare before she left for the concert at the park, Berdette decided it would be good to go ahead and check up on Izzy. She still hadn't decided if she was going to tell him that the effects had been much more severe than she intended. Only a day of sickness! Instead, he had to suffer several weeks of... well, what did the doctor say? Internal pain, nightmares, feverish skin... completely dreadful.