July 31st, 2009

[info]v_nocturne_npc in [info]v_nocturne_rpg

Childish Thoughts

She doesn't understand why they're hurting her.

She'd been playing in the yard when the big hand closed over her mouth, having a tea party for the dolls she'd set up in chairs. The teapot was one she borrowed from her mum, an old one she doesn't use any more because the spout is broken off at the end. It's probably lying in a puddle now, perhaps even in pieces. Oh, but Mum is going to be so angry.

It hurts. Why are they hurting her? She doesn't know. It can't be because she was bad, she'd only been playing, and no one's ever spanked her but Mum anyway. But this is more than a spanking, worse than a spanking. Her legs are sticky. She can feel the wetness drying on her skin, as if she'd fallen down and scraped her knees. It hurts. Where's her Mum? Where's her tall, strong Da to take her away from the hurting?

Her favorite doll, the porcelain one her Nan gave her for her last birthday, is still sitting in her chair back home. Soft dark curls and blue eyes, a pretty tafetta dress. What if it rains? Clover's dress will be ruined, and then Nan won't give her anymore presents because she was careless with the last one. She isn't careless, though, she isn't, she's a good girl, and if she could only go home she'd never tell, never, ever, ever....

Please. Please stop hurting me. I'll say my prayers tonight, and I'll eat my turnips and I won't push my sister out of the way in the mornings so I can use the W.C. first. It hurts, it hurts so much. I don't understand why. Why would you? Mum...I love you.

Rosalie Crandall was written by Stargazer

[info]v_nocturne_npc in [info]v_nocturne_rpg

Not Easily Forgotten

Astrid Keddle knew well enough to know that the streets of London were not safe for a lady of fine-breeding such as herself, particularly so after dark. And though she had begun her day with the intent of simply strolling the West End shops, chaperon at her side, a strange series of events fell in to place, beginning with a stumbling horse and ending with her faithful family servant being carried off to the West London Hospital on King Street.

Though her girlish fantasies brought to mind ideas of some valiant prince coming to her rescue and providing safe passage to her family estate, Astrid knew well enough once again to seek safety at the home of her dearest friend Mary; the other young woman's family sent a message to the Keddles, to let then know that their youngest daughter would be joining the Harcourts for dinner and then be driven home. Unfortunately, Astrid's younger brother James missed the message by mere minutes, and took to the streets himself in search of his sister.

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Submitted by: Dew