Under the Rainbow - OOC community - February 7th, 2012 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - OOC community

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February 7th, 2012

[Feb. 7th, 2012|09:34 pm]


So, work has decided that using the internet at all is a fireable offense, which means my RP time will be hella restricted (which is why I haven't been on a lot). I'll likely just be on during my days off, as well as after work (which is approximately 9:30PM CST until about 1:15AM CST). As usual, slowtiming things is totally okay with me since I know I'm not around a whole lot. And as always, please hit me up via email - I check that from my phone on all of my breaks. sarahbellum at gmail dot com or browneyedharpy at gmail dot com, either is fine.
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