Under the Rainbow - OOC community - December 12th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - OOC community

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December 12th, 2011

[Dec. 12th, 2011|05:49 pm]


Hey, guys. Misha here, with apologies for falling out. I have been sucked in to too many things, both online and not online, and UTR got pushed to the back burner and it wasn't until Mandy emailed me today that I got my head back on straight about it.

Thing is, I love you guys. I have been playing in UTR for years, and I have had a lot of great playtimes and storylines here. I think part of my block is tied in to associations from someone I used to play with here, that really stuck a knife in my gut and left a bad taste in my mouth, but...that was over a year ago and it's time to get over it and not let the ghosts of Christmas past interfere with the current timeline.

So. I'm back. And if I drop off again, I'll just have to throw the towel in and I don't want to do that. So, I'm reinstating Eliot and Ash and Nate and Daryl Dixon. I think I'll stick with them for now, and see if anyone else from my headspace wants to join the fun.

I owe huge, massive, and sincere apologies to Mandy and Sarah. I really dropped the ball with Eliot and I'm sorry. Give me another chance? Pretty please? ♥

One last note. I have been run down and sickish this past week, and I'm still struggling with focus and energy at night, when I do my RPing. I'm not sure how active I will be this week, but once 3:15 (est) hits on Friday afternoon, I'm off work for 2 weeks, which is awesome, and should give me time to refocus and rejuvenate and what not. So bear with me this week, I'm going to post at least Eliot and Daryl, and then next week I'm looking to be more active and reestablish myself as a force to be reckoned with here. Hah. Kidding with that last part!

If anyone wants my boys for anything, especially Daryl since he needs the CR because he has...none, I'd really like that. ♥ to everyone!

Last thing. My AIM is CeruleanInzanity, but it's locked because of spam bots. So email CelticFaerie2x@gmail.com to be added to my list and I'd love to chat with anyone!
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