Under the Rainbow - OOC community - July 27th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - OOC community

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July 27th, 2011

Bwahaha. [Jul. 27th, 2011|09:12 pm]
Hello UtRers. This is Ashfae with another new puppet. I'm sure you recognize Meriadoc Brandybuck, Esquire of Rohan, Master of Buckland (well, he would've been soon if it weren't for that pesky torando), and twelve-time winner of the Green Dragon's annual pipe-smoke ring-blowing competition. It would have been thirteen, but Gandalf was around that year and entered too. Wizards should be barred from the competition, really.

And yes, of course Pippin will be along in a bit as well. Merry would never go anywhere without his couns, Pip gets in all sorts of trouble without Merry along to spur him on to new and greater heights of disaster look after him. ;)

Of course, they're going to run a pub in England. Stop on by and have a pint. Assuming they don't drink up all the merchandise instead of selling it. Which is entirely possible. So you better stop by soon, before the beer's gone.

(Thank god we don't have an Oghren. They'd be out of business within a day)
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Second breakfast anyone? [Jul. 27th, 2011|10:57 pm]
Hello UtR! This is Jessie with a new puppet although judging by Ashfae's previous post, you all must have seen this coming.

This is Peregrin Took, mostly known as Pippin from the Lord of the Rings universe. He's an adorable, curious, easy-going hobbit with a love for food, ale and Longbottom Weed. Also, he's never usually separated from Merry, his best friend and older cousin.

So yes, he's opening a pub with Merry after they figure out this whole vortex thing. Stop by for a drink!
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