Under the Rainbow - OOC community - April 25th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - OOC community

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April 25th, 2011

I'M IN UR OOC, SPAMMIN MY DROPS [Apr. 25th, 2011|07:41 pm]


Alright, Sage here, with a few drops. They shouldn't affect much, but well, I had 30 friggin' puppets. That's like... what.

So. I dropped Beast, Tess, Sindre, Skwisgaar, Natalie, Reid, Venomania, and uhhh. Other people I never played. Because? I couldn't properly focus on all the CR I've already got, and will eventually have.

Soooo... yep. Fff.

Dib's going to be over here, having a shit fit of epic proportions now.
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Spring Cleaning! [Apr. 25th, 2011|07:53 pm]


Okay, so I'm getting rid of a few pups that I barely ever play. It is sad, but it will give room for new people!

Agnes ([info]sofluffy)
River Tam [info]remembertoomuch)
Nathan Explosion ([info]blackestblack
John Blackfeather ([info]thunderdemigod)
Flemeth ([info]dragonmother)
Brendann Brennan ([info]baby_brendann)
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[Apr. 25th, 2011|11:15 pm]


45 more minutes of official plot, but as always, if you need to backdate or slowtime something, feel free.

How'd you guys feel about this plot? What other plots would you like to see? How do you take your tea? I want to know!
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