Under the Rainbow - OOC community - March 3rd, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - OOC community

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March 3rd, 2010

[Plot!] Random craziness! [Mar. 3rd, 2010|12:23 pm]



We're going to do random plot things here in a bit! Like, literally. I have a list of names and I'm going to use a random number generator. It's going to be kind of a SURPRISE! thing.

There shouldn't be anything overdramatic or potentially life-altering in here, it's just a standard week-long thing. If you want to opt OUT, tell me now so I can take pups off the list. Otherwise, I'm considering everyone fair game!
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[Mar. 3rd, 2010|05:18 pm]


So my internet provider lied and my parents house is not within their coverage. Because it's TWENTY FIVE FEET outside of it. That irritates me to no end. Anyway, I have called several other providers and virtually no one covers the area my parents house is, damn BFE. So... that means my characters will need to be hiatused for an indeterminate period of time. They're still around, and if you're taking classes with them/living with them/ are related to them or whatever, then feel free to reference them or like be all 'He/she went shopping with me today' and junk in your posts. I just don't know when I'll be able to get on to actually play them.

Trust me, I am going to try to get my net access back. I simply can't survive without it, lol.

Love you guys. I hate that all this happened and is keeping me away.

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