Under the Rainbow - OOC community - October 18th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - OOC community

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October 18th, 2009

[Oct. 18th, 2009|09:55 am]
Hey, guys, it's Crystal with a list of drops and one new pup.

Alan Shore
Leonard Hofstadter
Kitty Pryde

New pup is the Disreputable Dog, or DD for short. She is from Garth Nix's Lirael, and is just a very unique dog who's now human, at least most of the time. She is Lirael's faithful pet, and she is VERY friendly, as long as you don't smell of death too much.
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[Oct. 18th, 2009|03:20 pm]


Hey, Sarah here! My net at home stopped working early this morning and ComCast can' get a tech out until Tuesday. I've got my phone, but tags might be slow. Just a FYI!
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[Oct. 18th, 2009|10:26 pm]


Hey everyone,

This is Jamie here. I have the flu and it has absolutely kicked my butt. I may be gone a week or so depending on how I feel. Let's hope it's not that long. So, as of now, I'm on hiatus. See you soon.

Jamie (Characters: Abby Sciuto and Hermione Granger)
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