Under the Rainbow - OOC community - August 13th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - OOC community

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August 13th, 2009

VOTING! [Aug. 13th, 2009|07:23 am]
Due to the overwhelming response, voting for the SECOND ANNUAL SILVER SLIPPER AWARDS is going to remain open until tomorrow (FRIDAY) afternoon at 3pm EST.

The first winners will be posted sometime on Saturday afternoon.

You can find your ballots in this community, just further down.
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[Aug. 13th, 2009|08:41 pm]


*waves* Allo, Remy's mun here.

Allo, so brain spat out the idea of Thieves Treasure Hunt, just for some mostly harmless fun. And we've got some "mostly" reformed pups who might wanna backslide for fun.

Wanna throw in some target ideas? I don't think I can weave a thread for it, but having pups post their spoils might be fun. And if two people steal the same thing? CAT FIGHT!

Here's some ideas to whet those imaginations:
  • Unique Vehicles
  • Famous Eyesore-Instruments
  • Old-Fashioned Bling
  • Enough Carats to Bake a Cake
  • Worst Pair of Celebrity Pants
  • Adopt an Ancestor

Come on, give our pups a challenge. Exceptions: People's body parts, countries, souls. Yes, Crowley, even if they signed them away already.

And if it falls flatter than a flapjack under a semi?  *shrugs* Eh, the biggest risk is the one not taken.
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