Under the Rainbow - OOC community - August 3rd, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - OOC community

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August 3rd, 2009

[Aug. 3rd, 2009|07:58 am]


Hi guys! I am totally on hiatus, but I wanted to let you know my situation here. I'll be able to check my email about once a day, which means I will still be approving apps but it will take a little longer than you're used to. Sorry about that! My phone doesn't work here, so you'll have to rely on when I can sneak a computer away from my parents.

I pretty much can't log (or again, once-a-day replies) but you can reach me by email! And yes, totally email me if you need my pups or whatever! I ♥ email and like updates and things.

And nobody should drop pups or anything while I'm gone! Or have too much fun! Everyone must be gloomy and sad for the next two weeks! Nono, just kidding. Have fun, and I'll check things every now and then and I will be back in two weeks!
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