Under the Rainbow - OOC community - January 13th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - OOC community

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January 13th, 2009

[Jan. 13th, 2009|09:55 pm]
So, here's my first app of the new year.

Tony Almeida from 24. My kingdom for a Jack. Or his beloved 'Chelle. Cause that would trip him the hell out. [ETA: Done. Just need Jack now.]

Tony is coming from the current season, in progress. His posts will be spoiler free, but I can't guarantee the same for comments. The fact he's alive has been advertised about a year now, in the S7 trailer, so, that's not a spoiler XD.

Tony is a bit bad ass this year. The hair takes some getting used to, but I like it.
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