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[Jan. 7th, 2012|11:46 pm]

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Who: Duncan Theirin and Zelda McCoy.
What: Sleepovers.
When: Saturday night.
Where: Her place.
Warnings: Maybe! Will update if needed.

Footie PJs! )
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[Nov. 26th, 2011|10:34 am]
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WHO: Duncan and Zelda
WHAT: Post-kidnapping comfort
WHEN: Right after her return post
WHERE: Zelda's home
WARNINGS: Not sure. Will update as they become relevent. Swearing, certainly, Duncan does that.

May I be your shield )
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[Nov. 11th, 2011|03:03 pm]
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WHO: Duncan Theirin and anyone who commented on this entry/can be assumed to have been invited or dragged along/wants to run into them by accident.
WHAT: Having a beach party and being normal for a while. Yeah right!
WHEN: A week or so after Halloween.
WHERE: Hawaii, one of the beaches on the big island.
WARNINGS: I'll update this if any become applicable.
NOTES: Should probably do this like the Amy & Rory wedding a while ago regarding things happening to different people at different times/places, since there may be many people commenting. Feel free to play by ear/play with time, they'll be there for hours. =)

That's where you wanna go to get away from it all. )
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