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[Jan. 25th, 2011|06:50 pm]
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Who: River Tam and V.
What: Walking, talking, asskicking.
When: Tuesday night.
Where: The streets of London.
Warnings: None that I can think of. Quirk?

They didn't know she could, but she did. )
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[Jan. 22nd, 2011|11:23 pm]
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Who: Anne Bonney & V
Where: V's drafty old castle what used to be Captain Teague's drafty old castle
When: Now-ish
Warnings: Probably none

Yo ho Sebastian, let's go far away, somewhere where the captain won't be mad. )
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[Jan. 22nd, 2011|10:15 am]
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Who: V and Petit
What: From Shadow Gallery to Guildhall
Where: Guildhall, NOLA, USA
When: About 6 hours after he came in, on Friday, Jan 21, 2011
Warnings: Possible swearing and superfluous verbosity.

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