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[May. 30th, 2011|05:51 pm]
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WHO: Ten and Rose
WHAT: Catching up
WHERE: The lobby of the Mirage, Las Vegas
WHEN: Significantly backdated, right before Gabe and Lilo's wedding
WARNINGS: Probably nothing.

You've got my heart in your hands )
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[May. 9th, 2011|05:55 pm]
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WHO: Lilo and the Tenth Doctor, with a bit of Gabriel
WHAT: (Re)-meeting.
WHERE: A random sidewalk on the Vegas Strip.
WARNINGS: Highly doubtful.

One day I'll fly away )
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[May. 15th, 2009|09:53 pm]
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[WHO] The Doctor and HIS TARDIS. And her legs.
[WHAT] ...
[WHERE] His other TARDIS

I am not that witty though the Doctor is - imagine it's something cool that the Psychic Paper says... )
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[Sep. 27th, 2008|01:23 pm]
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WHO: The Doctor and his TARDIS
WHAT: Dinner
WHEN: The other day


She's got leeeeeeeeeegs... )
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