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[Jan. 18th, 2009|04:46 pm]
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Who: Presto and Future!Sookie
What: Re-Meeting, Chatting, Maybe more
When: Tonight
Where: Presto's place in London
Rating: NC-17

Presto was on a cleaning spree... )
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[Jan. 8th, 2009|09:08 pm]

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Who: Sookie and Presto
What: A night in, and then if we get to it, a night out
When/Where: Tonight, Presto's apartment, possibly bleeding into tomorrow night, and a play
Warnings: Let's go with a definite maybe.

Sookie had been tempted to make her way over to Presto's house right after he'd talked to her. She managed to at least make it to work, and then home to get cleaned up from the dust and smoke, before she hopped the portkey back to London, a large purse (possibly holding another dress) in hand as she hopped up the step's to Presto's door. She paused for a second there, thinking maybe she should have called first. But he had said any time. And she was already there.

Shrugging, she reached up to knock, giving one of her better hopeful smiles.
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[Dec. 26th, 2008|09:02 pm]
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Who: Sookie and Presto
What: Dinner and Dancing and Ice Cream
When/Where: Tonight, around the world
Warnings: NC-17 for graphic sexual content.

One night, walking, one night, dancing, one night, talking, one night, advancing... )
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[Dec. 19th, 2008|03:19 pm]

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Who: Sookie and Presto
What: Comfort, food, and likely no small amount of cynicism
When/Where: Backdated to last night, Sookie's house in Southern Louisiana
Warnings: Cuteness? I'm not sure.

Sookie was currently curled up in a ball on her couch, bag of M&Ms in hand, staring through the television which was currently playing some old movie she didn't even know. She hadn't moved for most of the day, her clothes didn't match, her hair was unwashed- it was the definition of 'wallowing', but she couldn't help it. First her grandma, before coming to this place, and now her best friend. It was... almost too much.

But Presto was coming over. And he offered to bring her food. Suddenly realizing she looked like Hell, she sat up, running a hand through her hair to try and pull it back, at least. It wasn't like she thought he expected much, but it was human decency, to not want to look like death warmed over.

And at least she'd be up, when the doorbell rang.
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[Dec. 11th, 2008|05:20 pm]
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Who Presto and Sookie
What Dancing and first meetings
Where Hammer Bay, Genosha
When This evening
Warnings To Be Decided
Status Incomplete

The wind came, and brought the rain, and then the wind came again, and brought the clear sky... )
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[Dec. 9th, 2008|11:31 pm]


Who: Sookie Stackhouse and Oz the Popular
What: Coffee! Conversations. C... ookies? And other 'c' things.
When/Where: This afternoon? Time isn't fixed/ the coffeeshop Oz directed her to
Warnings: Unlikely, unless werewolf/vampire/psychic talk needs a warning.

Reading the address again, Sookie groaned inwardly at the fact that he seemed to be in one of the busier parts of the city. As much as she'd been working with Sadako to control her telepathy, it was still a fleeting thing, and she had to concentrate on not running into anyone, and finding her way, on top of making it to the coffeehouse.

Thankfully, it wasn't too far from the portkey, and she slipped inside a few minutes after she'd told Oz to expect her, looking through the crowd for him.

OOC: Ace! )
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[Oct. 27th, 2008|06:09 pm]


Who: Sookie and Bill the Vampirate
What: Meetings, marveling at their mutual paleness, explanations of the world at large.
When/Where: This afternoon, Central Park, NYC
Warnings: None, I shouldn't think.

Sookie found herself sitting on a park bench near the gate of Central Park, poking at the altogether too-fancy cell phone she'd found in her pocket, even as a mysterious and not-half suspect man offered to come meet her. She really should have known better than to agree to it so quickly, but really, he was the nicest anyone had been to her since she found herself under a tree in the way-too-large park. Not to mention, focusing on talking to him let her drown out the hundreds of other voices swirling around in her head.

Given this was definately New York and not Louisiana, the sundress and sandals she had on did little to keep her warm, and she found herself pacing before long, just to keep warm. She heard, in that way she had, a man approaching with obvious intentions, and she turned on him before he got close enough to touch her like he'd been planning.

"Begging your pardon, but you really better keep on walking, bud." The guy seemed shocked into compliance, dropping his hand and walking off.

Was everyone from the cities perverted? She went back to sit, to at least keep her from having her back to... people, anymore.
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