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[Jun. 19th, 2010|11:21 pm]
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Who: Torii & Robbie
Where: Torii's Shop (and probably later her lair)
When: Yesterday, shortly after this
What: Planning a wedding
Warnings: In theory!

We have the greatest pre-nuptial agreement in the world. It's called love. ~Gene Perret )
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[May. 9th, 2010|03:53 pm]
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Who: Guerrero & Robbie
Where: cyberspace!
When: sometime right about now
What: meeting of the miiiiinds (Or y'know, movie-style hack-off)
Warnings: Maybe some swearing?

Remember, hacking is more than just a crime. It's a survival trait. )
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[Feb. 28th, 2010|01:05 am]
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WHO: Annie and her big brother
WHAT: Video gaming
WHERE: Chez Winchester, 'cause Annie's afraid of Mordhaus
WHEN: After Robbie's tipsy night.
WARNINGS: Winchesters?

Annie heard a knock at the door and figured she'd better get up to answer it eventually. "Coming!" she hollered. Mom and Daddy were out to lunch, and Dani and Robbie were probably off fucking their significant others. It was still nice to know she now had that option, though today she'd preferred to relax with Roxy and Princess. She'd left Keller what she'd considered a mildly sexy message, asking him to call to see about hanging out that weekend.

She stood up, fixing the bottom of her shirt, not bothering to remove Princess's handiwork from her hair, and headed for the door.
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[Feb. 3rd, 2010|12:15 am]
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Who: Robbie Winchester and Torii Sou Wartooth.
What: Post-proposal squeeing.
When: Tuesday night.
Where: Mordhaus.
Warnings: No idea! I'll just go with a yes.

Cut. )
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[Jan. 20th, 2010|11:21 pm]
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Who: CV & Robbie
Where: Taunton, after classes, probably 'round about dinnertime.
What: Hangin' out with the future-kid.
Warnings: Cute. Probably about it. Maybe some swearing.

History is a race between education and catastrophe. )
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[Jan. 2nd, 2010|01:02 am]

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WHO: Bela and her son, both young and old
WHAT: Just hanging out
WHERE: Chez Winchester
WARNINGS: Don't think so.

Bela walked up the main staircase of the house, Small Robbie balanced on one hip. He was nearly seven months old now, and was beginning to show just how smart a child he really was. It had occurred to her to look in on the elder version. They'd seemed to miss each other for ages, forever being out when the other was in and vice-versa. And since Ceevee had appeared, well.

She re-balanced the baby, causing a quiet squeal, and knocked on her son's door. "Are you in?" she asked through the wood.
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[Aug. 18th, 2009|11:43 pm]
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Who: Torii, Robbie, Uncle Bobby, and a couple doggies.
Where: Bobby's place
When: Tuesday afternoonish.
Warnings: Probably a lot of cute, maybe some swearing.

A truly great library contains something in it to offend everyone )
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[Jul. 1st, 2009|01:28 am]

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[Current Mood |weird]

WHO: Dean, Bela, Baby Robbie, possibly the elder Robbie
WHAT: Bringing the baby home
WHERE: Dean and Bela's new house
WHEN: Tuesday nightish
WARNINGS: Nah. Dean and Bela's brand of cute, maybe.

The new house was dark and still not one hundred percent ready, Bela noticed, but somehow she'd wanted to go there instead of the huge mansion. This house already felt theirs, and the bedrooms were ready. That was the important bit.

She walked, under her own power, toward the door, with her sleeping baby son in her arms. Everything still felt incredibly, disgustingly fragile, as if it would go up in smoke. I thought we were done with that feeling, she rebuked herself. This was, in fact, real. Robbie was, in fact, real.

Bela looked down at the baby again, smoothing his shock of dark hair, shifting him carefully so he lay against the rag on her shoulder. The more he slept, the better.
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[Jun. 29th, 2009|01:06 am]
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Who: Torii & Robbie
Where: Mordhaus
When: Immediately following this
What: Robbie's 'to do' list needs some doing
Warnings: Uh, duh?

Day time, night time, anytime's the right time )
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[Jun. 19th, 2009|11:07 pm]
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[Current Mood |uncomfortable]

WHO: The twins and their parents, with possible interjection from Robbie
WHAT: Meetings!
WHERE: The big Winchester house - Dean & Bela are in the process of moving.
WHEN: Nowish, slow timed
WARNINGS: Winchester foul mouths. Talbot sarcasm.

Annie was standing on the doorstep of what was apparently her parents' house. At least, Uncle Sam had said it was his house, which meant it was still Daddy's. She turned to Dani and raised an eyebrow. "How do you wanna do this?" If Mom was still pregnant with Robbie, she didn't want to like, cause premature labor or something. That might not end well.
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[Jun. 11th, 2009|12:32 am]
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Who: Robert Winchester, Torii Sou Meanswell-Wartooth, and Brenda Annn Turner.
What: Meeting the family of the girlfriend.
When: Today.
Where: The Turner-Brennan residance.
Warnings: Likely not, will update if needed.

Oh crud. )
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[May. 25th, 2009|11:22 pm]
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Who: Torii & Robbie
Where: Upstream, at a bend in the Thames.
When: Sometime after dark
What: Shenanigans
Warnings: Likely not, but will update if anything crops up.

Torii had called Robbie with specific directions and rather cryptic instructions, and was waiting right where she'd said she would be with a couple crates with various sizes, styles, and colors of rubber ducks, along with a couple boxes of tealights and good old-fashioned blu-tac.
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[Apr. 1st, 2009|11:31 pm]
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Who: Torii-Sou Meanswell-Wartooth-Meanswell & Robbie Winchester.
Where: Mordhaus and probably parts beyond.
When: Sometime Wednesday
Why: Uhh, 'cos.
Warnings: Excesses of cute, perhaps more, we're just as in the dark on this as you are. ETA: Topless snorgling headed into NSFW scaring the roadies. You've been warned.

Torii had fled to Mordhaus when the beeping at Brenda and Teague's had gotten to be too much for her. There was beeping at Mordhaus too, of course, but so far none near her room, so she could tune the rest of it out.

She was still working on further bedazzling a prom dress she'd found, turning it into one of her 'confuse the tourists' outfits, humming to herself as she worked, and occasionally chirping back at the hermit crabs in their tank on her desk. Monty was sprawled out halfway under the bed, just watching her work and occasionally trying to get her attention with a trick, which always earned him a 'good boy, Montster' and a headpat, before she went right back to what she was doing.
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[Mar. 16th, 2009|07:25 pm]
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Who: Torii Sou Meanswell-Wartooth-Meanswell & Robbie Winchester, also Monty and Roxy
Where: Hyde Park
When: Monday afternoonish.
Why: Picnic lunch and playing with the puppies!
Warnings: uh... besides the insane levels of cute that neither mun can make sense of? Not likely.

Torii was sprawled out on the front steps of Mordhaus, putting Monty through his paces while she waited, it was overcast, but there was nothing new there, at least it wasn't snowing anymore, Torii was actually kind of sick of the snow. Reminded her too much of home.

Just at that particular moment she was trying to get Monty to do his newest trick and he was headtilting at her, looking puzzled, "C'mon Monsters! You just learned this one!" She said, rubbing his face and flapping his ears, "I know you know it."
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[Mar. 15th, 2009|10:15 pm]
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Who: Bladezz, Skwisgaar Skwigelf, Cassidy Turner, Robert Winchester, Teague Brennan, Nathan Explosion, and Soren Skwigelf, Teja Wartooth, Lilo Pelekai
What: Vent Chat about future raids.
When: Sunday night.
Where: They're all at their respective homes, it's an online chat.
Why: Skwisgaar wants a bronze drake.

Woo, headsets! )
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[Mar. 10th, 2009|03:50 pm]
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Who: Robert Winchester and Torii Sou Meanswell-Wartooth.
What: A date she likely doesn't realize is a date.
When: Backdated to a couple of days after this thread.
Where: The Santa Cruz Boardwalk to procure chocolate-covered bacon.
Warnings: I have no idea.

Of course Winchesters woo with bacon. )
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[Feb. 3rd, 2009|09:09 pm]
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Who: Sam and Robbie Winchester
Where: Going for a drink. Lots of them.
When: Now-ish...
Why: Sam's a bit...scarred. For life.
Warnings: Swearing, drunkedness. That old chestnut.

'Cause since the day I left Milwaukee, Lynchburg or Bordeaux France...I've been making the bars lots of big money. And helping white people dance. I am medicine and I am poison, I can help you up or make you fall. You'll have some of the best times you'll never remember with me; Alcohol. )
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[Feb. 1st, 2009|02:34 pm]

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[Current Mood |calm]

WHO: Bela and Robbie
WHAT: Shooting away frustrations
WHERE: Local shooting range
WHEN: Before the Super Bowl party.
WARNINGS: None I could think of. Discussion of sex, maybe?

Bela had gotten to the shooting range before her son, readying her ammo in her personal weapon. Dean had threatened to hide her guns, but this one was staying with her. It had seen her through a lot.

The range was a bit out in the country, but the train had dropped her right off. She couldn't help but wonder how well she and Dean had taught Robbie to shoot. She'd almost have been happier if he was a complete novice at it, but he was a Winchester. She knew better.
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[Jan. 23rd, 2009|01:39 pm]
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Who: Che & Robbie
Where: London
When: Thursday night
Warnings: None likely. Will update if anything happens.

Che had gone to find her shoes as soon as she'd signed off the computer, she had a tendency to just kick them off as soon as she was in the door, since she really liked the fluffy carpet she had along the foyer and into the main room.

Once her shoes were recovered it was wallet-finding time, and then retreiving the shopping list she'd already started which was just the things she knew she'd run out of, staples like bread and milk and jaffa cakes.
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[Dec. 5th, 2008|07:19 pm]
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Who: Skadi Skwigelf, Robbie Winchester
What: Totally not watching The Transporter
Where: Skadi's flat, Stockholm
When: Tonight
Warnings: TBA

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[Nov. 29th, 2008|04:37 pm]
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Who: Robert Winchester, Dean Winchester, and Bela Talbot Winchester.
What: Surprise!
When: Saturday night (slowtimed like hell).
Where: Chez Winchester.
Warnings: Swearing.

Hi again. )
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[Nov. 29th, 2008|04:32 pm]
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Who: Robbie Winchester and Henn Stillman.
What: Saving him from his "girlfriend".
When: Saturday afternoon.
Where: A university library in London.
Warnings: Besides swearing, I doubt it.

Help! )
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