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[Mar. 22nd, 2009|08:25 pm]
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Who: Adrian Veidt, Dan Dreiberg, and a little girl named Meg.
What: Getting Meg an evac to someplace safer.
Where: The Brooklyn Bridge.
When: Now, pretty much.
Warnings: We’ll see. Adrian plans on throwing down no-holds-barred once Meg’s safe, but I may leave that as a “fade to black” moment.

And the superhuman crew… )
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[Mar. 22nd, 2009|06:59 pm]
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Who: Adrian Veidt, two groups of Purifiers (one local, one more professional group at the end) and a little mutant girl.
What: Rescuing a little girl, and then being chased by a group of more professional Purifiers. Narrative.
Where: The streets of New York City.
When: Now, pretty much.
Warnings: Very few, actually. One dude’s wrist gets broken. I’d say PG.

All the agents… )
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[Mar. 5th, 2009|11:57 pm]
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Who: Adrian Veidt and OPEN
What: Originally intended as a little look into his mind, now an open thread
Where: Central Park
When: Pretty much right now
Why: Because.
Rating: Well, if no one tags in, the post by itself is G. If someone tags in, who knows?

Read on... )
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