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[Jun. 15th, 2009|09:39 pm]
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Who: Sister James and Silas
What: Fighting Zombies
Where: The Church
Warnings: Yes. Discussions of masochism/self abuse

Everybody was kung foo fighting )
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[Jun. 15th, 2009|07:53 pm]
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Who: Tach and Johnny Hickory
What: Exploding zombies!
When: Yesterday
Warnings: Violence! Blood! Gore!

A demolition style hell American freak, yeah )
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[Jun. 14th, 2009|10:29 pm]
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Who: Henn & Sadako
Where: Wolfpackhaus
When: Nowish
Why: Catching up
Warnings: Not likely, maybe some swearings.

Henn had had to get away from the noise that was New Orleans, even at the almost-outskirts. Her parents had things well under control after all, that and she realized that none of them had probably thought to check on the animals since the outbreak started.

So she'd gone home, she figured she'd check on the fuzzies first and then send out a general call to the rest of the Amoeba to see if anyone needed an extra pair of hands or a rescue or even just a supply run. Just at that particular moment she was sprawled on the floor with Arthur on one side, Dog on the other and Mamba playing king of the mountain, all three of them positively thrilled to see her.
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