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[Jun. 30th, 2009|12:53 pm]
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Who: Tony and Kate
What: Getting stuck in an elevator
Where: NCIS office
When: Tuesday morning
Rating: PG-13

And we'll have fun fun fun till daddy takes the t-bird away )
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[May. 25th, 2009|06:21 pm]
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Who: DiNozzo and Kate
What: Office times
Where: NCIS office
When: Forward to Tuesday
Rating: PG-13 probably for DiNozzo's bad mind.

To go where no man has gone before )
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[Mar. 19th, 2009|06:02 pm]

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Who: Kate and Ziva
What: Talking, catching Kate up
Where: A bar
When: A couple nights ago, or some night this week
Warnings: NCIS spoilers up to the end of season 5

She was more than ready to hear about what had happened to the team. )
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[Feb. 1st, 2009|03:33 pm]

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Who: Tony and Kate
What: Talking
Where: NCIS offices
When: Today? (maybe yesterday?)
Warnings: None

Ready to return to work, sort of. )
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