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[Oct. 30th, 2008|10:08 pm]
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Who: Glinda Upland, Elphaba Thropp
What: Reunions, questions, likely suspicion and magic
When/Where: Right the heck now, the Infamous Bridge in Central Park
Warnings: No, not so much.

Needless to say, the sights and sounds of this new... place, had left Glinda feeling altogether confused. There were small dogs following people on ropes, large metal transport boxes, and sounds coming from them that seemed like war songs and spells gone wrong. All her attempts at asking for information had been met with derision, which for Glinda was just wrong, so she decided to do as she'd promised, dropping down onto a bench in the strange little forest, picking the leaves out of her dress while she waited for Elphaba to come to her.

Elphaba. Helping her, even after... it wasn't right, she knew it wasn't right, and yet she knew if anyone could figure this out, it was her old friend. She simply had to trust in her, and hope... she would understand. She had to understand.
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