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[Dec. 8th, 2008|08:14 pm]
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Who: Teja Wartooth and CFO
What: Discussion
Where: Mordhaus
When: This afternoon
Warnings: Swearing, possible teenage angst.

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[Oct. 18th, 2008|04:44 am]
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Who: Skadi and Ofdensen
What: Bugging the Boss-man
Where: Mordhaus
When: Midday
Warnings: Probably nothing.

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[Oct. 7th, 2008|10:28 pm]
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Who: Mr. Ofdensen and Petit
What: Re-re-re-interviewing.
When: Todayish
Where: Charles' office of many lamps.
Warnings: Yeahno. Well... swearing, probably.

Charles was, as expected, at his desk. He'd contacted Petit to re-re-interview her, or rather, have some sort of meeting as all the Charlies past and present and parallel seemed to have already done. But he knew her from his home universe, and his predecessor did not. He merely wanted to see if she was the same Petit, or at least something like her. He had his notes and his rolodex out, both flipped to the pages that concerned the assassin.
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[Sep. 30th, 2008|10:56 am]
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Who: Sadako Yamamura, Teja Wartooth, Charles Ofdensen, Klokateer 359
What: Business lunch
Where: one of the many meeting rooms in Mordhaus
When: Wednesday, lunchmeals time.
Warnings: Swearing, possible violence, possibly none of the above.

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