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[Jun. 28th, 2012|05:01 pm]
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WHO: Auron & Rikku
WHERE: Their Apartment, NYC
WHEN: Thursday Night

Auron could actually take a hint when given one. )
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[Jun. 8th, 2012|12:19 am]

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Who: Rikku and Auron and Prince Kupo!
Where: Auron (and Rikku)'s apartment
What: Cute things and hints of future cute things!
Warnings: I am hoping so hard for a shirtless Auron. But there probably won't be much else.

I like you, do you like me, circle yes or no! )
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[May. 6th, 2012|07:08 pm]
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WHO: Auron & Rikku
WHAT: Oh dear, thunder!
WHERE: Their Apartment, NYC
WARNINGS: Just cuteness.

( I can feel it coming around again like a roll of thunder chasing the wind. )
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[Apr. 19th, 2012|04:53 pm]
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WHO: Auron and Rikku
WHAT: Reunion? Kind of?
WHEN: This evening.
WHERE: Auron's Apartment, NYC
WARNINGS: He just got out of the shower, so naked guardian?

Hello again. )
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[Apr. 9th, 2012|05:23 pm]
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WHO: Auron and Rikku.
WHAT: A Very Special Doctor Appointment.
WARNINGS: Just the possibility of diabetes.

A sudden bold and unexpected question doth many times surprise a man and lay him open. )
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[Feb. 16th, 2012|01:41 pm]
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WHO: Auron & Rikku
WHERE: Their Apartment
WHAT: Congrats! You're Parents!
WARNINGS: Ummmmmmmmmmdunno.

A sudden bold and unexpected question doth many times surprise a man and lay him open. )
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[Dec. 9th, 2011|10:11 pm]
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Who: Auron and Rikku.
What: She has had it up to HERE with him not putting out. HERE.
When: Friday night.
Where: His Their apartment.
Warnings: Penises.

Clever penis getting tactics. )
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[Nov. 20th, 2011|12:25 pm]
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WHO: Auron and Rikku.
WHAT: Rescue-y Rescues!
WHEN: Sunday Morning.
WHERE: Tokyo, Hatusdai District
WARNINGS: He's pretty mad. Expect violence at least, and he might say more than three words.

Fear has its use but cowardice has none. )
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[Sep. 11th, 2011|06:09 pm]
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Who: Auron and Alistair in their cartoony glory
What: Scientific experimentation to see if cartoons can get blitzed out of their minds.
When: Sunday night.
Where: The Unnamed Pub. I don't remember where it is. Semi-open, if other people want to put their pups in the bar to watch them make asses of themselves.
Warnings: I'm going to assume swearing, and who knows, maybe one of them is a naked drunk. My money's on Alistair.

This was annoying. )
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