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[May. 18th, 2011|02:44 pm]

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Who: Asmodeus and a secret admirer.
What: DEATH!
Where: One of Asmodeus' many lairs.
When: Today!
Warnings: DEATH!

( Rebirth of a King )
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[Mar. 5th, 2011|05:03 am]

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Who: Asmodey and Henn
Where: Wolfpackhaus
When: Whenevers.
Warnings: Sweary, maybe, nothin' else.

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[Jan. 18th, 2011|05:30 pm]

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WHO: Ariel and Asmodeus
WHAT: Old demon meets new angel
WHERE: Ariel's flat outside London
WARNINGS: Possible profanity and a copious amount of mindfuckery.

It had gotten annoying, by now; every few hours Ariel would be interrupted by some loud, overbearing demon at his door. He would ask them who they were and what they came for, and he would blow them into something approaching oblivion. Eventually he'd snapped at the leader of one of the legions that he was busy and if someone had a bone to pick with him, they should show up at his door them-bloody-selves. He'd closed the door firmly in the demon's face, and resolutely ignored the calls to open it. Apparently they couldn't just blow it down?
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[Jan. 15th, 2011|04:40 pm]

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Who: Sadako and Asmodeus
What: He gave her a few days to think about staying with him, knowing full well what may happen if she does.
Where: Uzza's temple on Toshima
When: Saturday
Warnings: Yes. Oodles of yes.

Asmodeus hadn't seen his beautiful woman for days. It was starting to tear his heart into small little shards. He'd just been resurrected and he'd spoken to her, and her father. Her father asked that he let Sadako choose what their common fate would be, and since Asmodeus respected the grigori, he did.

For as long as he could, at least. He simply moved himself from his Manhattan flat, to a yard behind Sadako, finding himself in the verdant garden behind the temple. He took a seat on the closest bench and watched her quietly, even his mind was still, so she could focus on what she was doing.
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