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[May. 11th, 2009|11:32 pm]
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Who: Teja Wartooth and Crowley
What: Blatant disregard for power and authority, duh?
Where: The central office in Monte Carlo
When: Tuesday afternoon
Warnings: Likely some angry demon growling and possible mutilation, we'll see.
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[Nov. 30th, 2008|12:52 am]

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Who: Kakia and Adikia and possibly Crowley? And whoever else, I guess.
What: Party planning
Where: Casino bar in Monte Carlo
Warnings: Cursing, plotting. drinking. I'll go with PG-13ish?

Kakia sat at the bar, fingers tapping lightly on the marble in front of her. She had an almost empty martini glass in front of her, along with a notebook and a pen. She was just waiting on Kia now... who ought be arriving any moment. Huge parties of debauchery didn't just plan themselves, did they?
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[Nov. 22nd, 2008|01:46 am]

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Who: Kakia, Aziraphale, Crowley
What: Quite a bit of fun.
Where: Monte Carlo
When: Nowish.
Warnings: Yeah. Quite a few of them, I think.

It didn't take long for her to make her way to Monte Carlo. It helped in that she had nothing in particular to do first. With a thought she was suitably festive in a little black dress, and with another she was outside the doors of the casino in Monte Carlo. Stepping inside, she moved quickly toward the desk in an attempt not to be distracted, failing as she leaned in, waiting for the receptionist.

She loved casinos... loved them. They were perhaps her favourite invention yet that humans had come up with, albeit influenced and inspired by those like herself who had the most to gain from them. Her eyes had closed, and she was just breathing it all in, happily losing herself in the very taste of the air when she felt the hand at her elbow. Blinking, she flashed a smile at the receptionist, not at all sure how long he'd been trying to get her attention.

"What? Oh. Yes. My name is Kakia. I'm told you have something for me."
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