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[Feb. 5th, 2008|03:24 pm]

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Who: God and Sam Winchester
When: Um. Today? A hey yay we're alive celebration?
Where: Sam's place.
Rating/Warnings: Probably NC-17 as there is smut involved. It's God, people. Haven't you learned?

Bow chicka wow wow... )
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[Feb. 1st, 2008|06:40 pm]

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Who: Sam and Dean Winchester.
What: Reunions!
When: Right after Dean came back into the game - backdated to before the Apocalypse ruckus.
Where: Outside the library where Dean reappeared.
Warnings: Potty language, probable angst?

Dean sat on the library's stone steps, kicking at pebbles with one scuffed boot. He watched pretty girls go by and tried to digest the new information that was kicking around in his brain. Okay. I'm in a new universe. That's not that weird, I guess. Some of the shit we've dealt with could've done this - nope. Still weird. Tryin' to explain it away doesn't help.

He sighed and scrubbed his face with his hands, waiting for a familiar purr to come around the corner. When it did, he stood up and squinted, trying to see his brother through the distance. Dean wasn't even concerned about the car. For the moment, he just wanted to make sure Sam was all right.
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[Jan. 10th, 2008|05:46 pm]
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who. Sam Winchester and Mia Kent
what. Hanging out
when. This afternoon
where. London

She doesn't care what you think, it's not a date. Dating someone who looks exactly like her brother is wrong and makes the baby Jesus cry. )
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