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[Mar. 5th, 2008|12:16 am]

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Who: Dean and Bela.
What: Dean is drunk and goes into her room by accident.
When: After Dean goes barcrawling, after this thread with Sam.
Warnings: Probable swearing, possible sex as it is Drunk!Dean.

Yay booze! )
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Catching Up [Feb. 20th, 2008|09:15 pm]

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WHO: Bela & Dean, open to Sam if he's so inclined
WHAT: Reacquainting.
WHERE: Chez Winchester.
WHEN: Right after Bela's first post, so the boys don't have their dog yet.
WARNINGS: Maybe a little language. Nothing major.

The car that had come to pick her up was opulent to the point of being gaudy, and Bela had to be amused. Dean certainly wasn't wasting any time now that he seemed to have money. She still wasn't entirely certain that the whole 'replacement' idea was real, but for now, she'd humour him.

It was a short ride before the car was stopped and the door opened. Bela fixed her skirt, climbing out and feeling her mouth drop open in spite of herself. The house was enormous; she couldn't even see the roof. Still, she told herself - it was still Dean. Still Sam. She hoped.

Knocking on the heavy front door, she waited for someone to open it. Would it be a butler? She would laugh in Dean's face if it was.
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